Thursday, March 22, 2012

Meet Boston Family Team, Super-Raymond

Raymond Williams was born 14 weeks early. His mom, Recia is a dedicated volunteer for the March of Dimes and this year, Raymond and Recia are a Retail Ambassador Family for Kmart. This is their 2nd year walking for March for Babies.

On April 19th, 2010, I delivered 2lbs, 1oz of love, pain and hope!  I had gone through so much to have my Raymond. I thought I did everything right and yet my baby laid before me with this fragile little body; he was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand.
It was overwhelming to see my child hooked up to several different machines, but I knew the March of Dimes provided the research for the NICU’s lifesaving equipment and medicine he needed to survive.
Being discharged from the hospital without my son was devastating; I was disoriented. My son spent the next 2 months and 18 days in the hospital. I visited him every day thinking this would be the day he would come home, only to be disappointed. He has continued to fight and overcome all obstacles that have come his way; exceeding his milestones.

Raymond Williams
 I am proud to say Raymond is a healthy and busy almost two-year-old toddler! This experience has shown me that I am lot stronger than I thought and I am capable of loving like I have never loved before.
The Williams Family

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